Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing #20 - Videos

I couldn't get the videos to work on my work PC but they are working just fine on my home PC. We've got to figure out a way that district PCs can keep up with the latest updates to software. Hmmmmmm. . .

Let's try to embed a TeacherTube video here. This is a very interesting video.

height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" menu="false" flashvars="&file=">


I love this video about the students of today and how we tend to teach. The big disconnect between the two is shown in this video.


VWB said...

I am seeing two embeded videos from Teacher tube jsut fine!

VWB said...

that was from home...from the district nope! And teacher tube should not be a problem?