Saturday, December 22, 2007

RSS readers - how to stay on top of everything

I am a huge fan of RSS readers. I've been using RSS Bandit for a couple of years and still like it a lot. I'm thinking about switching to Google reader so I can access it from school. That may or may not be a good idea. During baseball season, I might forget about the students and just keep up with the Astros.

I subscribe to feeds from the Chronicle and the NYTimes as well as Slate magazine. I also subscribe to a couple of great ed tech blogs - Borderland, Cool Cat Teacher blog, and weblogg-ed.
I read a lot of blogs about the emerging church, I subscribe to the This Old House blog about their current project, and some parenting blogs. My current new favorite blog is Unclutterer.

1 comment:

VWB said...

o goodness, I better go check out dining room table will thank me!

The Messy Froggy Wart